April 22, 2009

Texto de DOMUS by Wikipedia

Fotografía por Rosana Fernández / Texto sobre DOMUS por Wikipedia.

A domus was the form of house that wealthy and some middle class families owned in ancient Rome and could be found in almost all the major cities of the Roman Empire. The poor and many middle class Romans were housed in crowded apartment blocks, known as insulae, while the country houses of the wealthy were known as villas. The domus included multiple rooms, and an indoor courtyard and garden, it was elaborately and beautifully laid out. The vestibulum (entrance hall) led into a large courtyard: the atrium, which was the focal point of the domus and contained an altar to the household gods. Leading off the Atrium were cubicula (bedrooms), a dining room triclinium where guests could lie on couches and eat dinner whilst reclining, a tablinum (living room or study) and tabernae (shops on the outside, facing the street).

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